
Uncovering the Enigma of the Number 36

Explore the secrets, fascinating facts, and captivating history surrounding this enigmatic numeral.

Properties of the Number 36


According to R. Allendy, it is the ratio of the individual Karma, 6, to the organization of the Universe, 30, and the cosmic solidarity which results from it in the natural cycles.

Number of the initiation, J. Boehme associates it with the "angelic world" because it is the sum of the eight first numbers. In other words, it is the number of the sky.

Represents the devil or Satan, as well as the evil which it personifies.


The Revelation of John contains 36 visions.

The three series of twelve cups offered for the dedication of the altar. (Nb 7,84)


There would have been 36 antipopes in the history of the Catholic Church. Other sources speak rather about 37 or 39.

According to visions of Ann-Catherine Emmerich, during the crucifixion of Jesus, executioners sank the four nails with 36 hammer blows.

It is the number of years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ when Saint Paul was put to death.

The Bible, Protestant edition, contains a total of 66 books, and it is estimated that it was written by 36 different authors who were kings, farmers, mechanics, scientists, lawyers, generals, fishermen, pastors, priests, tax collectors, doctors, or others.

Additional Insights

In the Apocalypse of Moses, relating the life of Adam and Eve, it is said that after they had been expelled from Paradise, Adam and Eve chose to do penance so that God would have pity on them. They agreed that Eve would remain 36 days in the water of the Tigris in silence and that Adam would spend 40 days immersed in the Jordan while fasting.

Age which Buddha Gautama had when he discovered himself in one of his ecstasies.

Muhammad was 36 years old when the "Kaabah" (sanctuary of Mecca) was rebuilt after being partly burnt. He was the one who placed the black stone.

The Law written in The Roller of the Temple of the writings of the library of Qumran specified that the king had to have a committee of 36 members (12 princes, 12 priests, and 12 Levites) sitting with him for judgment and instruction.

Some astrologers acknowledge cycles of 36 years at the end of which the various planetary influences combine in a similar manner.

According to the Gnostic Basilide, the intermediate world between the hypercosmic Archetype and our earth (the real link of the cosmic solidarity) had 36 floors, each governed by an "Archonte".

According to Maspero, it is one of the astronomical coordinates of Lo-Yang, the old imperial capital (that is to say sixty twelve divided by two), the other being fifty-four.

According to Diodore of Sicily, Sesostris divided Egypt into 36 Provinces.

Historians have noticed that some particular events were repeated in history by multiples of 36 years, such as the floods of Paris in 1658, 1802, and 1910.

It is at the age of 36 years old that Saint Joseph would have taken the Virgin Mary as his wife, according to Edgar Cayce.

Gnostic and Astrological Significance

The Gnostic Egyptians considered the 36 decans of the astrological Zodiac as divine powers; a decan being the space which the sun covers in ten days.

Chinese astrology counts 36 beneficial stars and 72 malefic stars, their sum giving the sacred number 108.

The magic square using the first thirty-six numbers is associated with the sun and has a sum of 111.

It is the number of the Great Quaternary of the Pythagoreans, obtained by the sum of the first four odd numbers, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16, and the first four even numbers, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 20. Also: 36

36 = 13 + 23 + 33.

The sum of numbers 1 to 36 gives 666, the number of the Beast in the Revelation.


The numerical values of the Hebrew words AEL (meaning tent or tabernacle), AIKE (meaning "how?"), ALE (meaning to curse), BDL (meaning to separate), ELA (meaning to remove), and VIDVI (meaning confession) each give 36.


The number 36 is used 2 times in the Bible.

The word "beast" is used 36 times in the Revelation, the name of Satan is mentioned 36 times in the New Testament, and the word "faith" appears 36 times in the Old Testament. The word "fall" is used 36 times in the Bible. In the NRSV, the word "devil" is used 36 times, and the word "Satan" appears 36 times in the New Testament.


36 is a triangular number, meaning it is the sum of the first eight positive integers: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36.

36 is also a perfect square, as 62 = 36.

36 is a highly composite number, having more divisors than any smaller number. Its divisors are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36.


The atomic number of krypton, a noble gas, is 36.

Messier object M36, an open cluster in the constellation Auriga, is located approximately 4,100 light-years from Earth.

Culture and Religion

In Jewish mysticism, there are often references to the 36 hidden righteous people, or "Lamed Vav Tzadikim," who are said to justify the existence of the world.

In some interpretations of Hindu cosmology, there are 36 tattvas (elements) that describe the different levels of reality from the most abstract to the most concrete.

Gaming and Entertainment

In European roulette, there are 36 numbers on the roulette wheel (1 to 36), plus a single zero.

The traditional game of dominoes uses a double-six set, which contains 36 unique tiles.

Literature and History

Dante's "Divine Comedy" is divided into three parts, each containing 33 cantos, plus an introductory canto, making a total of 100 cantos. The first 36 cantos cover Dante's journey through Hell and part of Purgatory.


There are 36 decans in ancient Egyptian astronomy, where each decan is a 10-day period within the 360-day Egyptian calendar.

A cricket ball is traditionally bowled from 22 yards away, which is 36 feet.

Symbolism in Literature and History

The mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras considered 36 to be a number symbolizing the human heart.

In the "Book of Changes" (I Ching), the hexagram 36 is called "Brightness Hiding" and represents the concept of light being obscured but not extinguished.

In various forms of numerology, the number 36 is seen as a number of creativity and self-expression.

36 is the age at which Alexander the Great died, having created one of the largest empires in history by that time.

In Roman numerals, 36 is written as XXXVI.

Architecture and Structures

The Great Pyramid of Giza's original perimeter was approximately 36,524 inches, which is close to 365.24, the number of days in a year, reflecting an advanced understanding of astronomy.

The Parthenon in Athens has a total of 36 outer columns, symbolizing the mathematical and architectural significance of the number.

Science and Nature

36 is the number of degrees in each internal angle of a regular pentadecagon (15-sided polygon).

There are 36 known species of wild cats in the world, a diverse group that includes lions, tigers, leopards, and domestic cats.

In the field of genetics, humans have 36 homologous chromosomes (18 pairs) that determine their genetic traits.

Pop Culture and Media

The number 36 appears in various films and TV shows, often symbolizing completeness or a significant milestone. For example, in the movie "Clerks," the number 36 is humorously referenced as the number of Dante's ex-girlfriends.

In music, the band "36 Crazyfists" takes its name from a Jackie Chan film titled "The 36 Crazy Fists."

The popular anime "Dragon Ball" series features "36th World Martial Arts Tournament," showcasing the significance of the number in competitive events.

Games and Puzzles

There are 36 unique domino tiles in a double-six domino set, used in various games around the world.

In chess, the maximum number of moves required to checkmate an opponent using the two bishops and king technique is 36.

The 36-stratagems is a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of strategies used in politics, war, and civil interactions.

Scientific Phenomena

The 36th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 36 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane, passing through parts of the United States, Mediterranean, Asia, and the Pacific Ocean.

36 degrees Celsius is often considered the lower limit of the normal human body temperature range.

In astronomy, NGC 36 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces, located about 214 million light-years from Earth.

Historical Events

36 is the number of years between the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the British burning of Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812 in 1814.

The Thirty-Six Immortals of poetry in Japan are a group of classical poets who were chosen by Fujiwara no Kintō as exemplars of Japanese poetic style.

In 36 BCE, the Roman general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa defeated Sextus Pompey in the Battle of Naulochus, securing Octavian's control over Rome.

Health and Medicine

Human pregnancy is typically counted in weeks, and 36 weeks marks the end of the 8th month, often considered the final stretch before full-term pregnancy at 40 weeks.

There are 36 muscles in the human foot, allowing for a wide range of motion and support.

Cardiologists often refer to a 36-hour observation period following certain types of heart surgery or procedures to monitor for complications.


The 36th parallel north is a significant latitude that crosses parts of the United States, including California, Arizona, and Tennessee, as well as countries in the Mediterranean and Asia.

In Israel, the number 36 is associated with special observances and holidays, such as the 36 candles lit during the Hanukkah festival.

36 E. 72 N. is a location in Central Asia, close to the border between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Technology and Engineering

In telecommunications, the ITU-T G.703 standard specifies that the E1 line rate is 2.048 Mbps, which is close to 36 64-kbps channels when using specific framing techniques.

The Boeing 737-800, a popular model in commercial aviation, has a typical cruising altitude of 36,000 feet.

In computer science, 36-bit memory architectures were used in early computing systems such as the PDP-10 and IBM 7090.

Sports and Recreation

In golf, a score of 36 is considered par for a nine-hole course, with each hole typically having a par of 4.

The number 36 is significant in cricket, as it is the highest number of runs that can be scored in a single over without extras (six sixes).

In the NBA, the number 36 has been worn by several notable players, including Rasheed Wallace and Marcus Smart.

Finance and Economics

There are 36 recognized stock exchanges in the world as of the most recent data, each playing a crucial role in global finance.

In some loan agreements, a common term length is 36 months, representing a three-year repayment period.

The Rule of 36 in investing suggests that an investment's value doubles approximately every 36 years at a 2% annual interest rate.

Art and Creativity

The famous artist Pablo Picasso created a series of 36 etchings known as "The Vollard Suite," which are considered some of his most important graphic works.

In the world of photography, a standard roll of 35mm film typically contains 36 exposures.

The renowned writer William Shakespeare's First Folio contains 36 plays, published in 1623.

Language and Literature

The Arabic language has 36 letters when including the standard alphabet and its additional forms for different sounds.

In English literature, the sonnet form often follows a 14-line structure, but sequences of sonnets, such as those by Edmund Spenser, can contain 36 sonnets or more.

In Tolkien's Middle-earth, the Shire is divided into four Farthings, each comprising roughly 36 townlands.

Secrets of the Number 36

The number 36 is steeped in mystery and intrigue. It is a perfect square, the product of two equal integers (6 x 6). In many ancient cultures, 36 was considered a sacred and symbolic number, representing harmony, balance, and the cyclical nature of the universe.

Fascinating Facts about 36

The Captivating History of 36

The number 36 has been revered throughout history in various cultures and belief systems. From the ancient Egyptians and their 36 decans (divisions of the zodiac), to the 36 righteous individuals said to sustain the world in Jewish mysticism, the number 36 has long held a significant place in human civilization.